Monday, February 6, 2012

Connect The Dots

So, me and my friend decided it would be a fun game to connect my freckles and see if we could make pictures. Apparently, the one on my cheek are like an awesome star. And if you connect my ankle freckles, its like the little/big dipper. (In this case, size would only be relative.) Sadly, the purple marker won't come off my face. This is disappointing.

I should probably start my math homework. I need to continue to work on my math grade so I can pass the course. Sometimes I doubt how good my school system actually is. I mean, why hire a teacher if no one can understand her accent and causes everyone to do poorly. It's really a strange accent. I think it's like a German/Spanish hybrid, possibly. It's really unique and I've never heard one like it. Normally, I can decipher accents pretty decent, but this one...


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